Peperomia Variegated

Peperomia Variegata is an attractive, variegated version of the Baby Rubber Plant, with all of the same cherished characteristics, plus an added advantage: multiple shades of dark green, olive green and a lovely creamy white.

It is a bushy, upright plant with thick stems and fleshy, glossy, cupped leaves. The thick, fleshy leaves contribute to their drought tolerance and vigour. It has a compact, spreading nature and is particularly suited to growing in low light conditions, making it perfect for offices and shady spots. It forms narrow spikes of off-white flowers on red-brown stems.

It is a slow growing plant and can be potted in a small container for long durations. They are easy to look after, highly ornamental and look great displayed on desks or small tables.

Category: Product ID: 1953


Light: Medium to bright indirect sunlight.


Watering: Allow the top soil to dry out completely and then water thoroughly.


Fertilising: During Spring use a diluted fertilizer twice a month and once a month during summer.


Pruning: If the stems and leaves begin to over grow pinch the top to stop further grow and prevent the plant from looking out of shape.


Repotting: It has a small root system so you don’t need to repot very often.


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